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You may be living in a small apartment, but that doesn’t mean you have to feel like it. If your cramped quarters are making you feel like there’s not enough room to turn around, let alone entertain guests for dinner, then now is the time to transform your space into an urban oasis of calm and tranquility. Here are 16 tips that will help you make the most out of your cramped quarters:

Make your accommodations comfortable.

The first thing you should do to make your apartment comfortable is to find a place for everything. You need a place for every single item in your apartment, even if it’s just a box under the bed. Make sure that you have plenty of space in between things as well—it may not seem like much at first, but when you’re trying to get ready in the morning and someone sits down on the couch (which isn’t too far from where you put your toothbrush), it’s enough cause for an argument!

You also want to make sure that all of these items are comfortable. A great way to do this is by investing in quality furniture and decorating with soft textures. Make sure there are pillows everywhere: on the couch, on chairs, on desks—even underneath beds! The more places there are where people can sit comfortably (and lie down comfortably), the better chance they’ll want to stay over night rather than going back home after just one drink because they don’t want their friends making fun of them later on when they tell everyone how uncomfortable their new place really was.”

Avoid colors that make the room look smaller.

While you can use dark colors to make a room look bigger, avoid doing the opposite. Using light colors will help make your small space appear larger and brighter. One of the best ways to do this is by using a light color on the walls and a darker shade for ceiling, or vice versa.

Another way to create an illusion of more space in your apartment is by keeping furniture away from walls and corners so that there’s more open space between them. Also, try not to buy too many pieces of furniture at once, since over-furnishing can make even bigger spaces feel claustrophobic.

Don’t create large visual blocks.

A small apartment can get claustrophobic pretty quickly, but there are ways to prevent that. One of these ways is to avoid creating large visual blocks in your space.

  • Don’t put furniture against the walls. The traditional “open” look of a room means placing furniture against the walls, right? Wrong! When you place furniture up against a wall it creates an immediate visual barrier for anyone coming into your apartment. Instead, use floor pillows or small side tables to situate yourself at or near eye level with guests, so they don’t feel like they’re being blocked from entering further into your living area by something as simple as a couch or chair
  • Don’t put furniture against the windows. As with wall-mounted pieces of decor, no one wants to feel like they’re being blocked by something when they walk into your place—so consider taking down some curtains if you have them up and then using those same hooks and rings (or whatever else) to hang smaller decor pieces instead

Use indoor plants to add freshness and color to the room.

  • Use indoor plants to add freshness and color to the room.
  • Plants can help purify the air in your apartment. If you don’t have a lot of money for air fresheners, consider adding some greenery around your space. Some studies show that houseplants can actually improve your mood and reduce stress levels by emitting negative ions into the air – just like a walk in nature does!

Add a bit of green space to your apartment design.

It’s not just about aesthetics. Plants can also help you sleep better, reduce stress, and focus on what matters most. They’re a great way to make your small apartment feel more spacious.

Plants are an easy way to add color or pattern to a room without overwhelming it with color or pattern—they’re nature’s decorator! While some plants may not be as hardy as others, there are plenty of options for newbie plant parents (like me) who don’t want their greenery dying after the first week in their new place.

If you live in an apartment and find yourself constantly looking out the window wishing you had access to more fresh air, consider adding some greenery inside too! It will give your home a natural feeling while providing some much needed oxygen circulation into those stuffy rooms

Paint the walls with light colors.

  • Paint the walls with light colors. Light colors will make a room appear larger and airier, so it’s best to stick with whites, yellows and blues for these surfaces. Darker shades look good on furniture because they can help define the space by setting off one area from another (such as a sofa from its surroundings).
  • Use lighter shades for ceilings and floors too (as well as other parts of your decor). If you have an open-plan layout like we do here, choose a darker shade for walls but keep ceilings and floors fairly neutral – white works well for both!

Use low furniture.

Another way to create a feeling of spaciousness is by using low furniture. Low furniture such as sofas and accent chairs can be arranged in a way that creates a feeling of space. This is because they are positioned lower than the eye level, so when you look at them, they appear to be hovering above ground level.

They can also be used to create a sense of intimacy or privacy within an apartment because people who sit on them will look up towards everyone else in the room or apartment which gives them an unobstructed view and makes it seem like there are few walls around them.

Don’t hang anything near the ceiling.

Don’t hang anything near the ceiling. This is especially important in small spaces because you want to avoid blocking light sources and making your apartment look smaller than it is. Instead, hang items at eye-level or lower and make sure they’re not all at the same height—if everything is hung at a single level, it’ll be very boring! You can also use different angles and distances from walls/walls and each other.

Use the vertical space of your room to the fullest.

Schedule a time to look around your room and see what can be used as storage space. Look at the ceiling above the bed, sofa and dining table. There might be some potential. If you have a small kitchen, try using some empty containers under the sink or near the back door to store cleaning supplies and cooking items that aren’t in use right now. You could also look at using a bookshelf that can hold towels in the bathroom or even an old stereo cabinet as storage for toiletries if it has doors on it.

The next thing is to make sure all of your furniture is functional and not just beautiful! Take out any pieces that don’t work well for what you need them for (e.g., if there are extra chairs around, do they actually match your current seating?) Check each piece individually so that you don’t end up wasting money on unnecessary upgrades later down the road when these pieces no longer fit into your home decorating plan!

Use small scale furniture in small spaces.

  • Use small scale furniture in small spaces.
  • How to decorate an apartment using smaller pieces of furniture? When you want to create a cozy, intimate space, you can use low and visually lighter than the walls or not too large or heavy furniture. For example: sofas, chairs and tables with simple lines that are easy to move around the room. They will be perfect for your apartment with limited space.

Don’t put furniture at an angle to the wall in small rooms.

Here’s a little secret: When you’re trying to fill a small space, don’t put furniture at an angle to the wall. It will make your room feel even smaller. Instead, use furniture that’s parallel or perpendicular to the walls—or even diagonal if you want! If you do decide to use furniture at an angle, it should be no more than 45 degrees from the wall so that it doesn’t visually cut off part of your living space.

Consider having smaller bedding in a small bedroom instead of a queen-sized bed.

Consider having smaller bedding in a small bedroom instead of a queen-sized bed.

This is one of the easiest ways to make your room look bigger. You can still use a king-sized bed, but it will give you more room on the sides and leave more space around the area where you sleep. Generally speaking, smaller beds are better suited for smaller rooms because they take up less space. Still, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid using larger beds altogether! You can also go with queen and full sizes too depending on what works best for your needs.

Avoid dark colors, especially dark colors of wood, on floors, walls and ceilings in small rooms because they draw attention to the walls and make the room seem smaller than it actually is.

Dark colors make the room look smaller and less inviting. The same color on one wall, ceiling and floor are even more problematic because they draw attention to the walls and make the room seem smaller than it actually is.

Dark colors also feel more formal or serious than light ones. While you may want to be able to work in your home office while watching TV, dark colors don’t allow for that kind of versatility. If you want a darker color, try an accent wall rather than covering all four walls with a dark color.

Choose a single bright color for your wall accent instead of cluttering it with several contrasting colors or prints that can compete for attention and overwhelm a small space rather than balance it out.

Choose a single bright color for your wall accent instead of cluttering it with several contrasting colors or prints that can compete for attention and overwhelm a small space rather than balance it out. A bold red accent in a room with no windows will make you feel like an ant scurrying around in an empty box. But if the same room has large windows and plenty of natural light, this same shade of red will serve as more than an accent; it’ll be an integral part of the design scheme and help bring warmth to your apartment by recreating the feeling you get when sitting outside on summer evenings drinking rosé wine.

These are some helpful ways to make your small apartment seem larger and more modernized!

Here are a few ways to make your small apartment feel larger and more modern:

  • Use a single color on the walls, not a lot of different colors.
  • Use mirrors strategically to reflect natural light and make the room seem brighter. You can also use them as an accent piece in your home decor! Take advantage of this by installing some in areas like over the fireplace or on an adjacent wall that would normally be dark if it weren’t for all those extra glimmers from these brilliant pieces of art that you have hanging there instead!
  • Put plants everywhere! They’ll help purify the air as well as give off oxygen so everyone feels more energized throughout their day or night depending on what time they wake up hahaa hahahaha ya know? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha cuz I’m laughing at my own joke right now too so yes please do all three things together at once 🙂 All these tips will help leave your guests feeling refreshed after visiting one day soon soon soon soon maybe someday but not yet yet yet no not today right now right now right now…


It’s important to remember that even if you have a small apartment, it doesn’t mean you can’t make the most out of your space! These are some helpful ways to make your small apartment seem larger and more modernized.

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